Hello, I would like to make a guide for checking HDD health on your computer but I'm not entirely sure if it's suitable for this World. Would you like me to make one? ...

A nice (free) resource if you are new to Java and would like to learn more!Also, as a heads up, I am really busy with school right now, but I hope to get a new article up by today or tomorrow. Not sur ...

Today isn't actually Pi Day, but I was unable to get this article out in time. Pi Day was actually yesterday, March 14th (3.14), so let's call this a post-Pi Day treat!I've usually stuck to computers ...

I am a strong advocate of adopting Tau, since Pi isn't as elegant for expressing circles as Tau is. I have been working hard on a new article that explains how to write a Java program to find words in ...

Industrial espionage, social engineering and no-tech hacking are all very real, and there are simple precautions that you can take to protect yourself, which this article will discuss. Whether you are ...

Have you ever forgotten your password and didn't know how to get back on your computer? Or ever had an annoying roommate you wanted to play a trick on to teach them a lesson? Or perhaps overly religi ...

The cryptology course went live today and is accepting anyone who is interested for registration. Check out the link for more information and to view the other awesome free online courses! ...